While it may seem to you that pregnancy was not too long ago, before you know it, your baby will soon be a toddler! The shift from diapers to potty training is an important stage of development for every toddler, just like the shift from breastfeeding to eating solid foods. In fact, toilet training is a big change for young children, as it is based on the accumulation of a variety of other developmental milestones, such as acquiring the necessary motor skills to be able to go potty. If you're looking for advice on how to potty training, we have some great potty training tips that will help you potty train your child.
Tips on Potty Training Your Toddler
When Will My Toddler Be Ready for Toilet Training?
Most children are ready to potty train at age two; however the range of readiness for toilet training spans from eighteen months all the way to four years of age. The average time at which infants change from diapers to toilet training is between 18 and 24 months.
Your toddler's ability to be ready to potty train is based on his overall development. For example, your toddler will have mastered the following skill clusters by the time he is ready for potty training:
- gross motor: sitting, walking, controlling the head
- fine motor: holding a spoon, picking up cereal between the thumb and finger
- language: demonstrates clear speech, can understand and be understood by others
- social: plays with family members, other children
- sensory: developed sense of sight, sound, touch, taste and smell
Signs of Potty Training Readiness
The following are signs that your toddler is ready to begin to potty train:
- asking to use regular underwear
- demonstrating discomfort with diapers, particularly dirty diapers
- knowing the words for stool and urine
- staying dry for two hours at a time
- having regular bowel movements
Potty Training Tips
Before beginning toilet training, it is important to keep the following guidelines in mind so that the potty training experience will be a positive one for both you and your toddler:
- do not start potty training at a stressful time; for example, during a move or when a baby is on the way or if you have just given birth
- do not punish for accidents or mistakes; instead, treat these lightly
- follow your child's pace; provide encouragement and support for even the smallest of milestones
Potty Training Resistance
If your toddler becomes resistant, she may refuse to sit on the potty or even have a bowel movement in the bathroom. Other signs of potty training resistance include becoming irritable and insisting on wearing diapers.
Reasons for toilet training resistance include:
- being scared to sit on the potty
- starting potty training before your child is ready
- having inconsistent training (i.e. having different caregivers for potty training)
- experiencing punishment
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